A three-year-long trip alongside Alberto Angela.
From interactive design to the creation of audio-video content, from archaeological 3D reconstructions to special effects in 4K.
From 2016 to today, this combination of skills helped us partner with Alberto Angela for the creation of visual effects and the post-production of major television events, including:
Una notte al museo, Stanotte a Venezia, Stanotte a Pompei, Meraviglie, Ulisse_La conquista della luna [A night at the museum, Tonight in Venice, Tonight in Pompeii, Wonders, Ulysses_the conquest of the moon].
Among the many “wonders”, we brought the spectacular and tragic eruption of Vesuvius back to life with the dynamic fluid technique, reconstructed the first version of the Sistine Chapel in 3D as well as Cleopatra’s original face, we hybridised real and compositing shots to show what St Mark’s Square looked like during the times of the Doges and what the Colosseum looked like to the Roman emperors.
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